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Il faut fabriquer ses cadeaux / Gotta fabricate your own gifts

13 minutes | 2021 | Switzerland | 1,85:1 | Color 
| Swiss German, French, Mandarin Chinese
Written and directed by Cyril Schäublin

Locarno International Film Festival 2021 - Corti d’Autore Competition

Zinebi Film Festival Bilbao 2021 - International Competition
Cork Film Festival 2021 - International Competition
Leeds Film Festival 2021 - International Competition
Leuven Kort Film Festival 2021 - European Competition
Montevideo, Festival Cinematográfico internacional del Uruguay 2022 
Poznan, Short Waves Film Festival 2022 - International Competition

As snow falls over a city, people share secret tricks with each other. Like how to kiss somebody
and make them disappear, or having thoughts which are unrecognizable to machines.